RMS Price prediction

Hermes International SCA
Stock Exchange: EURONEXT
Last session price
Price now
Currency: EUR
Reporting currency: EUR
ISIN: FR0000052292

Price prediction chart RMS


Financial statement prediction RMS

* Numbers in thousands
2018 2019 2020 Now 2024
5 966 100 6 883 400 6 389 400 10 255 412
Net income *
1 404 600 1 528 200 1 385 400 2 292 402
13.48 14.66 13.27 26.8668
Stock price €
518.4 677.4 842.6 1125 2704.37
Stock price min
518.4 677.4 842.6 1125 2662.72
Stock price max
518.4 677.4 842.6 1125 2759.89

RMS stock price predictions for 2024.
The company's revenue will increase to 10 255 412. Net income will increase to 2 292 402. EPS will increase to 26.8668.
The forecast at the time of reporting the annual statements: maximum value 2759.89, while minimum 2662.72.
RMS share price forecast is 2704.37. Change 2.4% for 2024.